The Influence of Heat Waves and Summer Storms on Your Appliance Performance

Ellie Brooks

Written By Clint Bird

Published 07/27/23
The Influence of Heat Waves and Summer Storms on Your Appliance Performance

Heat and summer storms can have detrimental effects on your appliances. Understanding the problems associated with these weather conditions is essential to prepare and minimize potential damage. For instance, during July 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, experienced extreme heat, breaking records with over 25 consecutive days of temperatures exceeding 110°F (43.3°C). Such intense heat waves, particularly in the Southwest, can exacerbate the strain on household appliances, leading to failures or reduced efficiency. The following issues are commonly observed when major heat waves and summer storms occur, and although they may appear improbable, they can affect anyone in any household.

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Appliance Overuse

During severe storms and periods of high temperatures, it is crucial to avoid overusing your appliances. Excessive usage within a short span of time can lead to premature wear and tear. An appliance that is pushed to its limits for an extended period can easily break down.

Appliances such as fans, freezers, and air conditioners are susceptible to damage if they are constantly running without respite. Moderating your appliance usage is vital to prevent future problems. Creating an emergency or storm plan for your home allows you to monitor the condition of your appliances and use them judiciously.

Multipurpose use of an appliance often arises when other appliances are malfunctioning or inoperative. To prevent unnecessary strain on your appliances, avoid leaving your refrigerator or freezer open merely to cool down a specific area of the house. Similarly, refrain from using your stove as a light source during a power outage. It is advisable to have alternative contingencies in place to avoid excessive wear and tear on your appliances.

Power Outages

Power outages can happen throughout the year but are most prevalent during the summer. Due to the high electricity demand, power companies need help effectively regulating the power supply. Consequently, power surges can occur in your home unexpectedly. Surges can potentially burn out your appliances’ electrical components, rendering them inoperable.

Intense lightning strikes in the vicinity can cause power outages/surges. To safeguard your appliances from lightning damage, it is crucial to turn them off during significant storms or plug them into specialized outlets designed for surge protection. While predicting when a lightning strike might occur is impossible, taking preemptive measures can help you mitigate potential harm.

Summer High Temperatures

Excessively high temperatures within your home can cause certain appliances to malfunction. While it is unnecessary to excessively increase your cooling bills solely to protect your appliances, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is advisable.

When your home is at a suitable temperature, appliances function optimally. However, if the interior becomes excessively hot, electronic components may cease to operate correctly. Sensors within your appliances may also be affected, compromising their ability to measure temperature accurately. To ensure that your oven and refrigerator function properly, it is essential to maintain appropriate temperature levels.

Elevated temperatures can cause wires and pipes that enter your home to overheat. When these elements become excessively hot, their performance can be compromised. Insufficient water flow or hot wires may result in malfunctions within your appliances when connected to these wires or pipes.

Home Humidity

While you may not readily notice the humidity levels in your home, it can significantly impact your appliances. Even if you haven’t observed condensation buildup, it can occur within the interior of your appliances, posing a risk. This condensation has the potential to damage electronics or plugs within your appliances.

Assist Your Refrigeration Appliance in Maintaining Optimal Coolness

During the summer months, when temperatures exceed 100 degrees, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain the coldness and freshness of your refrigerator and freezer. As a result, these appliances need to operate for more extended periods and more frequently. While it may be tempting to adjust the temperature settings to reduce the appliance’s burden and prevent breakdowns, this belief is incorrect. Instead, consider implementing the following simple measures to avoid the need for repair services:

Protect the Cold Fortress

Ensure that your refrigerator and freezer doors are tightly closed. Frequent opening of the doors allows hot air to rush in, causing the appliance to work harder to counteract the sudden temperature rise. The condenser is crucial in reducing humidity levels and cooling the internal atmosphere. Every time the door is opened, the appliance must exert extra effort to restore the desired temperature.


Provide ample space around your refrigerator, allowing it the freedom it deserves. Placing it too close to walls or confining it in an inadequately ventilated area hampers the proper dissipation of heat emitted by the condenser.


Dedicate time to rejuvenate your appliance. Say goodbye to those forgotten science experiments that have taken root in the remote corners of your fridge and the freezer-burned steaks that have been neglected for too long. Use a vacuum to remove cobwebs and excessive dust from the coils located at the back and underneath the unit. This meticulous effort will improve air circulation within and around the refrigerator, enabling it to operate more efficiently.

Store Leftovers Properly

Avoid using open containers that allow moisture to escape into the fridge. Instead, opt for airtight containers or cover food with plastic wrap to maintain the desired moisture level.

Adopt a Gradual Restocking Approach

Introduce room-temperature items into the refrigerator gradually. Overloading the unit with many items at once forces the appliance to work tirelessly for hours to restore the desired coolness.

Monitor Ice Accumulation

Although the freezer section of your appliance automatically defrosts, it is still susceptible to occasional obstructions, such as blocked tubes or excessive ice buildup. To prevent such issues, it is advisable to perform a manual cleaning once a year by powering down the refrigerator for 24 hours. This measure effectively mitigates potential problems that may arise.

Locate the optimal place

Ensure your refrigerator is positioned in a cool environment. If an additional fridge is housed in a garage or an outdoor area, it is imperative that proper ventilation is provided and direct exposure to sunlight is avoided. These precautions are necessary to prevent excessive strain on the appliance.

By dedicating a little time to preparing for such weather conditions, it is possible to prevent power surges, overuse-related problems, and condensation buildup. Awareness and proactive measures are key to mitigating these risks and ensuring the longevity of your appliances.

One More Way of Keeping House Cool in Summer: A Home Warranty

Following the tips outlined above will keep you from overtaxing your air conditioner or any other appliance, but unexpected breakdowns still happen occasionally. The last thing you want is to be without an air conditioner on a scorching afternoon in August.

A home warranty coverage could keep the heat at bay. Liberty Home Guard’s plans cover ducted electrical central air conditioners, electric wall air conditioners, window units, and ductless mini-splits.  If any covered item malfunctions, all you have to do is submit a quick claim on our website. We’ll have a reliable technician at your home as soon as possible to remedy the problem. You won’t even have to foot the repair bill. Use our website to start building a plan that matches your needs and lifestyle. You can also talk it through with our team by calling (866)-761-1853.


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