Home Security Tips for A Burglar-Proof Home

Ellie Brooks

Written By Clint Bird

Published 02/02/23
Home Security Tips for A Burglar-Proof Home

Are you concerned about the security of your home? Have you ever wished that you could make your home as burglar-proof as possible? If so, you’re not alone. Home security is a top priority for many people, and it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure your home is as secure as possible. 

Keeping your home safe and secure is a top priority for every homeowner. Unfortunately, burglaries and break-ins are all too common, and the impact of a home invasion can be devastating. In fact, homes without security systems are 300% more likely to be broken into. With the rising rates of home burglaries, it's more important than ever to take proactive measures to secure your home and deter potential burglars. Fortunately, there are many simple steps you can take to protect your home from theft and damage.

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Installing a Home Security System

Installing a home security system is one of the best ways to make your home secure. Security systems can come equipped with a range of features, such as motion detectors, door and window sensors, and surveillance cameras. These features can be used to monitor your home and alert you of any suspicious activity. 

Most home security systems come with 24/7 monitoring services. This means that if your home is ever breached, a team of professionals will be notified and can dispatch help to your location. This can give you peace of mind that your home is protected, even when you’re not there. 

In addition, having a home security system installed is a great deterrent. Potential burglars are less likely to target homes that have security systems in place. This means that even if you don’t take any additional security measures, having a security system can still make your home more secure. 

Secure Your Doors and Windows

Doors and windows are the most common points of entry for burglars, so it’s important to take extra measures to secure them. Installing deadbolts and adding window security film are just a few of the ways you can make your home more secure. Make sure all doors and windows are securely locked, even when you’re home. You should also consider installing motion-activated lights around your doors and windows for added protection. 

Install an Alarm System

Installing an alarm system is one of the best ways to secure your home. Alarm systems can detect any unauthorized entry and alert the authorities. If a burglar attempts to break into your home, they’ll be deterred by the loud siren and will likely flee the scene. 

Invest in a Surveillance System

Surveillance systems are an effective way to monitor your home and deter burglars. Installing cameras in and around your home will allow you to keep an eye on your property at all times. You can even hook up the cameras to your phone or computer so you can monitor your home from anywhere in the world. 

Secure Your Valuables

It is important to keep valuables out of sight, especially when you are not at home. Burglars are often after valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, and cash. Close blinds and curtains to prevent burglars from seeing expensive items inside your home. To protect your valuables, store them in a safe or lockbox. You can also invest in a home safe that’s bolted to the floor or wall for added security. 

Make Your Home Look Occupied

Burglars are less likely to break into a home if they can be seen from the street. To make your home look occupied, use timers to turn on lights and TVs at different times of the day.  Install outdoor lighting around your home, especially around doors and windows. Motion-sensor lights are a good option because they will turn on when they detect movement. You can also have a trusted neighbor or family member check in on your home while you’re away.

Trim Your Landscaping

Overgrown plants and shrubs can provide great hiding spots for burglars. Make sure to keep your landscaping trimmed and neat to reduce the risk of burglars entering your home undetected. Make sure that all windows and doors can be seen clearly from the street.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Be aware of who’s in the area, and if you see something suspicious, don’t hesitate to call the police. 

Install Surveillance Cameras

Surveillance cameras can be a great way to deter burglars and catch them in the act. Make sure that cameras are installed in key locations, such as the front and back doors, and that they are visible.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Getting to know your neighbors can be a great way to deter burglars. They can keep an eye on your home when you're not there and alert you to any suspicious activity. You can also form a neighborhood watch group to deter burglars and keep your community safe.

Keep Garage Doors Closed

An open garage door can be an open invitation to burglars. Make sure to keep garage doors closed and locked when you're not at home, or away.

Be Smart About Social Media

Burglars are known to use social media to find out when homeowners are away from their houses. Avoid posting about your vacation plans or details about your schedule on social media. This can help keep your home more secure by preventing burglars from knowing when you're not at home.

Overall, home security is a vital concern for all homeowners. By taking the necessary steps to secure your home and being aware of potential threats, you can deter burglars and keep your home and family safe. Remember that prevention is always better than cure, so it's important to take these precautions early on before any unexpected incident happens.

These are just a few home security tips to help you burglar-proof your home. Remember, your home is your castle, and it’s your responsibility to protect it. Taking the time to implement these measures now can help you avoid a costly burglary later. So, make sure you stay secure and follow these home security tips for a burglar-proof home.

Liberty Home Guard Can Help You

After you’ve followed the home security tips, think about other ways to protect your home and your family. While you can protect yourself from home intrusions, what happens if an essential home appliance or system goes down?

The solution is a home warranty from Liberty Home Guard. Contact our team today at (866) 699-4589 for a quote.


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