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Written By Erin Easley
Well-maintained plumbing is essential to having a happy home. Nobody wants to deal with the mess and headache that a leaky pipe or a clogged toilet can cause. Never mind the smell. Unexpected breakdowns will occur, but there are ways to prevent the need for frequent, costly repairs to your plumbing if you maintain it.
Regular plumbing maintenance is easy to do if you know the right signs to look for. Right before winter begins is a crucial time to check and make sure everything is in working order with your home’s major systems, especially its plumbing. Here’s a plumbing maintenance checklist to use before the snow hits and the freezing begins. If you follow these simple steps, your pipes will thank you.
This is the first and probably most important step in your home plumbing maintenance. The number one cause for home repairs is leaky pipes. The best way to check for leaks in your pipes is to see if there’s any water leaking from showerheads, sink faucets, and the pipes below your sink. In addition, low water pressure usually means there’s a leak. Low water pressure is an important sign that it’s time to get your leaky pipes fixed before winter hits. Even worse than a leak, is a leak that freezes. Frozen leaks can lead to greater damage to your pipes.
This is another one of those plumbing system maintenance tips that you may want to do more than once a year. Getting your pipes inspected for leaks and damage will help you in the long run. There’s much you can’t see in your home’s plumbing and you will want a professional to take a look at your pipes every once in a while. The worst will come if you ignore this part of your home. This will lead to bigger and more costly breakdowns.
Don’t leave your hose out in the cold. When the temperature drops, disconnect all outdoor water sources and store them for the season. Make sure to adjust your shutoff valves for outdoor faucets before it gets too cold. A good time to do this is in fall. This will prevent the water from freezing and cracking your pipes.
This is one of those tasks that should be on your year-round plumbing preventive maintenance checklist. Clogs can creep up on you even when you think you have it all managed. In order to prevent clogging do not treat your sink like it’s a disposal. Your sink’s drain can’t handle oils and the build up of other materials not meant for a sink. If you need to unclog your sink, there are easy DIY ways to do this without using the harshness of toxic chemicals. Just make sure you are not putting too much pressure on your sink by throwing harsh, heavy items down its drain.
This is not a task you need to hire a professional for. Flushing your water heater should be done once a year. We tend to forget about this, but a failure to maintain this vital home system can lead to a repair that will cost hundreds of dollars. Not to mention, you could be out of hot water at a time of year when you need it most. You can learn how to flush your water heater yourself in order to maintain this system. Additionally, make sure the water heater is kept at a temperature no lower than 120 degrees fahrenheit.
Make sure all gaps between appliances -- such as your tub or toilet -- and floors are closed and filled in with caulk. This will also prevent leaks from happening and save you from the potential of cosmetic damage to your appliances as well. A toilet can crack if it’s unstable, and more importantly it’s uncomfortable. If you find that caulking is not strong enough to close the gaps and keep appliances stable, check with a licensed contractor. The problem may be bigger than you think.
Home plumbing maintenance plans can help you keep your plumbing running smoothly so that you are comfortable in your home. One of the best ways to maintain your home’s plumbing through the winter months is to keep your home at a warm temperature, never allowing it to get below 50 degrees fahrenheit. This will keep your pipes happy and from freezing. Freezing leads to cracks and cracks lead to costly repairs. Keeping your home warm throughout winter will protect your plumbing from unnecessary breakdowns.
It’s important to maintain your plumbing to prevent frequent, unnecessary breakdowns. However, no matter how well you maintain this system, breakdowns will occur. The best way to protect your home when this happens is with a home warranty. Plumbing breakdowns are the most frequent home repairs needed, and one of the questions we, at Liberty Home Guard, hear the most from new customers is, “Does a home warranty cover plumbing”? The answer is yes, we do cover plumbing. We have 3 major plans--the Appliance Guard plan, the Systems Guard plan, and the Total Home Guard plan. Plumbing is covered in the Systems Guard and Total Home Guard plan.
Securing your home’s plumbing with home warranty coverage will help shoulder the costs of those unexpected yet necessary repairs. In addition to covering the cost, Liberty Home Guard will arrange for a licensed technician to do all the necessary work. We understand that well maintained plumbing is essential to keeping your home happy and healthy. Call us for a quote at (866) 225 - 7958 or visit us online.