Will Home Warranty Cover Mold?

Erin Easley

Written By Erin Easley

Published 08/05/20
Home Warranty Cover Mold?

A home warranty is an excellent way to protect systems, appliances, and structures in your home, but there are limits to what a warranty plan will cover.

While every plan is different, home warranties typically cover general wear and tear. If home equipment is damaged for some other reason, then the warranty may not cover the item’s repair or replacement.

To better understand what home warranties do and do not cover, let’s look at water damage and mold as an example. Does a home warranty cover water damage? Is mold covered by home warranty plans? The answer to each question is usually no. These things are usually out of the scope of home warranty coverage and providers will not repair damage caused by mold or water. That said, home warranty coverage can prevent these problems from presenting themselves in the first place.

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What Is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that proliferates through airborne spores. We encounter it every day, and it is generally harmless. Some kinds of mold are even beneficial! Other forms of mold, however, especially when present in large quantities, can have damaging effects on human health—particularly respiratory health. Additionally, mold in homes can reduce the value of a home by up to 3-5%.

Most kinds of mold spread more quickly in damp, dark conditions. Eliminating conditions in your home that are conducive to mold growth is key.

How Home Warranties Can Help Prevent Mold in Your Home

Do home warranties cover mold? Usually no, but warranties can help you keep mold at bay. Here are some common issues that warranties can help resolve.

  •          Leaks. One of the most common causes of mold growth in a home is an unaddressed leak. Damp wood or drywall is prime habitat for mold. Fortunately, warranties often cover a home’s plumbing, so leaky pipes can be remedied quickly and affordably. Roof leaks, too, can be covered by a warranty. Maintaining your plumbing and roof can prevent mold from getting out of control. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  •          Poor ventilation. Airflow makes for a healthy home. Good ventilation can keep humidity levels in check, preventing drywall and other materials from becoming oversaturated with water. Warranties can cover a home’s HVAC system, ensuring good ventilation.
  •          Faulty appliances. A broken bathroom fan, a leaky refrigerator, a dishwasher with a bad seal: these are just a few things that can invite mold growth. A warranty with appliance coverage can allow you to repair such items before a problem gets out of hand.

How to Remove Mold

Mold is everywhere, and some mold in your home is an inevitably. It’s important to stay on top of the mold you can’t prevent entirely, otherwise it can spread and become a bigger problem down the line.

Average household mold is generally easy to clean yourself. For example, you can get rid of mold in shower tile, bathtubs, and other common locations with a scrub brush and some vinegar, borax, or bleach. If the mold has spread deep into drywall, you may need to cut out the affected area and replace it.

Only engage in what you feel comfortable doing. If you have health concerns, or if the mold is extensive, it’s best to contact a professional. If you decide to tackle mold yourself, be sure to wear gloves and a mask.

Keep Your Home Healthy with Liberty Home Guard

Preventing mold growth in your home is just one of the innumerable benefits of a home warranty. If you want to learn about warranties that suit your home and budget, contact Liberty Home Guard at (866)-225-7958.

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